Obstetrics/Gynecology Drugs

  1. 2. helps the cervix gradually relax and dilate (open)
  2. 5. can also be used to help control gestational diabetes and regulate blood sugar
  3. 6. is synthetic oxytocin which works by stimulating contractions in the uterus
  4. 8. can be used in infertility to promote the production of multiple ova, and control their release
  5. 10. is used in infertility to produce ovulation
  6. 11. is an oral antidiabetic used to treat gestational diabetes
  7. 12. is obtained from pregnant mares urine, and can be used as a hormone replacement in women
  8. 13. works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily.
  9. 14. is an oral antidiabetic used to treat gestational diabetes
  1. 1. works by starting uterine contractions, and can be used for induction of labour, or for abortion purposes
  2. 3. is a medication sometimes prescribed to help treat morning sickness
  3. 4. can be used in preganacy termination and spontaneuous abortion to release the contents of the uterus
  4. 7. is the most common beta blocker used to treat gestational hypertension
  5. 9. is used to help stop contractions when a woman goes into labour prematurely