OCAT 2 All Lesson Practice - 2023 finale :(

  1. 4. If personified, this enzyme might be unbothered by milk (4 letters)
  2. 9. They finally found male birth control!... except this one only works in frogs :) (14 letters)
  3. 10. "Don't infringe on my 2nd amendment!!" said the American, referring to an article on this document (replace -on with -ve). If that clue didn't click, this adjective would also describe COX-1 (12 letters)
  4. 11. Not New York Giants legend Lawrence Taylor, although these indiscriminate fatty mediators do share this common nickname (2 letters)
  5. 12. Great-grandfather to dopamine (13 letters)
  6. 17. Leukotrienes, Thromboxane, and Prostacyclin would all technically classify as such (11 letters)
  7. 18. Diatomic hydrogen (think about it) receptor antagonist, helps combat acid reflux (10 letters)
  8. 19. If these protectors stick around with unusually high affinity, good luck passing through puberty (4 letters)
  9. 21. Ehrlich was the one who coined the German name for this boater-friendly species (4 letters)
  1. 1. Take this not-very-steroid-like compound for joint pain (12 letters)
  2. 2. Beloved by wall-street madmen; their increased happiness funnelled to them through mules (7 letters)
  3. 3. These two-faced peanut lovers contribute almost as much promiscuity as Kris Jenner (14 letters)
  4. 5. The Caitlin Jenner of two promiscuous isomers (10 letters)
  5. 6. Like the frosting relative to the outside of a Twinkie; in terms of the structure acted on by ACTH (7 letters)
  6. 7. With a small typo, this palindromic anti-pyretic could become a flavoured sparkling beverage (3 letters)
  7. 8. Wakey Wakey, use this inverse agonist to effectively WAK(IX) UP (10 letters)
  8. 13. Mix 8 parts ginger beer with 2 parts vodka (if that's your thing) and 1 part lime juice to get yourself this Russian capital's drink, or get this name from being a runner for Pablo Escobar (4 letters)
  9. 14. The sweet region between death and despair - in pharmacology, at least (5 letters)
  10. 15. Don't let a pluripotent cop stop your fight (or flight), especially if he's a beta male (7 letters)
  11. 16. Stop at one of these off a highway in ONtario, or use it as a way to describe pharmacokinetics (6 letters)
  12. 20. Operates like TSA at a significant inner-body border crossing (3 letters)
  13. 22. These seemingly bisexual mediators always slide for the gang(lion) (14 letters)