ocat practice 1

  1. 5. script for proteins
  2. 6. molecular french braid
  3. 7. receptor's lover; they have a natural bond or something like that
  4. 8. received and transmitted
  5. 9. kind of like a boomerang
  6. 11. Retweets spread
  7. 13. Arnold Schwarzenegger but also critical player in communication steps
  8. 15. receptors for water-lovers
  9. 16. give and take
  1. 1. POP! and out goes histamine
  2. 2. water slide but for molecules
  3. 3. from outside to inside
  4. 4. a pole but also a histamine storage
  5. 10. shifts horizontally
  6. 12. cytoplasm-residing
  7. 14. receptor binding is...