
  1. 2. Someone who works with wood and constructs buildings.
  2. 6. Someone who performs in plays, films, or shows.
  3. 7. A medical professional who treats illnesses.
  4. 11. Someone who designs and builds structures.
  5. 12. A person who fights fires and saves lives.
  6. 13. A person who plays or creates music.
  7. 15. A person trained to travel in space.
  1. 1. A cook who prepares and creates dishes.
  2. 3. Someone who educates and guides students.
  3. 4. Someone who cultivates crops and raises livestock.
  4. 5. A person who participates in sports and competitions.
  5. 6. A creative person who makes art and crafts.
  6. 8. officer An officer who enforces the law and maintains peace.
  7. 9. A person who conducts research and experiments.
  8. 10. Someone who flies aircraft.
  9. 14. A medical professional who cares for patients.