Ocean Terms

  1. 3. Sea A saltwater sea located between Africa and Asia.
  2. 5. of Bengal A large bay in the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean, surrounded by India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
  3. 6. Ocean The third-largest ocean, located between Africa, Asia, and Australia.
  4. 9. Sea A marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean, separating Alaska and Russia.
  5. 10. Ocean The second-largest ocean, separating the Americas from Europe and Africa.
  6. 12. Ocean The ocean surrounding Antarctica, known for its cold waters and icebergs.
  7. 13. Barrier Reef The world's largest coral reef system, located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Australia.
  1. 1. Sea A region of the northeastern Indian Ocean, bordered by the Arabian Peninsula.
  2. 2. Ocean The largest and deepest ocean on Earth, covering a vast area.
  3. 4. Sea A tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere, known for its warm waters and beautiful islands.
  4. 7. Sea A marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean, located between the United Kingdom, Norway, and other European countries.
  5. 8. Sea A large sea bordered by Europe, Africa, and Asia.
  6. 11. Ocean The smallest and shallowest ocean, located around the North Pole.
  7. 12. China Sea A marginal sea in the Western Pacific Ocean, bordered by several Southeast Asian countries.
  8. 13. of Mexico A large gulf bordered by the United States and Mexico, known for its warm waters and diverse marine life.