Oceans, continents and hempispheres (leave a blank space between words)

  1. 2. This is the number of countries the Prime Meridian passes through
  2. 4. This Asian country has a manmade island in the shape of a giant palm tree (use the names 3 letter abbreviation)
  3. 5. This ocean is home to Beluga Whales
  4. 10. This ocean is home to more penguins that any other.
  5. 12. This is the Northernmost inhabited city in the world
  6. 15. This sea separates Africa and Asia
  7. 16. This continent is home to the greatest number of marsupial animals
  8. 18. This is the number of countries the Equator passes through
  9. 19. This ocean has more islands than any other
  10. 21. This European country is the only one in the world without mosquitos
  11. 23. This continent is home the more lakes than any other
  12. 24. This continent has the most countries
  1. 1. This ocean is home to 'iceberg alley', an area known for many large icebergs
  2. 3. This is the only ocean completely in the Eastern Hemisphere
  3. 6. Located in the Pacific Ocean, this is the deepest point on Earth
  4. 7. This capital of New Zealand is the Southernmost capital city on Earth.
  5. 8. This continent is home to the driest desert on earth
  6. 9. Located in South America, this is the tallest waterfall in the world
  7. 11. This continent was home to the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece
  8. 13. Twice the size of Texas, the world's largest collection of plastic waste is located in the Pacific Ocean and called the Great Pacific ___________ Patch.
  9. 14. This sea boarders most of Europe to the South and Africa to the North
  10. 17. This continent was the last to be discovered by people
  11. 20. This continent is home to both the highest and lowest points on Earth's surface
  12. 22. Antarctica is home to this glacier, the largest in the world