October 2022

  1. 2. (Zoology) Long stiff hairs growing around the mouth or elsewhere on the face of many mammals, used as organs of touch, whiskers
  2. 6. (Astronomy) The point at which the stars of a binary system are farthest apart
  3. 8. A person or thing of peerless beauty or excellence; paragon
  4. 9. Farthest down; lowest
  5. 12. Located or being on the more distant side; farther
  6. 17. Being on this or the closer side, nearer
  7. 18. Even the oldest colleges in the United States have this reviewed every few years
  8. 19. Also called the "rhetorical question mark"
  9. 20. To enchant; bewitch
  10. 21. Bilingual
  11. 22. Despite that, nevertheless
  12. 23. To infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture
  1. 1. (Anatomy) A person's big toe
  2. 3. To buzz, hum
  3. 4. A word of more specific meaning than the general or subordinate term applicable to it
  4. 5. Leafage; foliage
  5. 7. A style of dramatic vocalization intermediate between speech and song
  6. 10. (Astronomy) The scientific study of the planet Mars
  7. 11. Another name for a Janus word
  8. 13. Magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf
  9. 14. Driving snow or sand
  10. 15. (Astronomy) The point at which the stars of a binary system are closest
  11. 16. The collecting of stamps and other postal matter as a hobby or an investment
  12. 24. Exhausted from a hard day of work