October Review

  1. 4. Greek root that means "self"
  2. 7. Booker T. Washington describes the slave owners as _____ rather than angry when the Emancipation Proclamation is announced
  3. 8. Comparison that does not use "like" or "as"
  4. 9. Appeal to emotions
  5. 11. What man has in his mouth while he is walking in To Build a Fire
  6. 12. Type of HOOK that uses data to grab the reader’s attention
  7. 17. The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution are known as
  8. 22. A statistic always has a ______
  9. 23. Appeal to logic and facts
  10. 24. Booker T. Washington says that the slaves were actually, in some ways, sad and scared about receiving this
  11. 25. Comparison that does use "like" or "as"
  12. 26. The man uses this in order to test the pools of water underneath the snow in To Build a Fire
  1. 1. Thesis Statements must use the language of _____ in order to be as clear as possible
  2. 2. Geographic area man walks through in To Build a Fire
  3. 3. Appeal to credibility
  4. 5. The first sentence of an introductory paragraph
  5. 6. 3-4 Sentences that come after a HOOK
  6. 7. Booker T. Washington says that some newly freed slaves still wanted to ____ with their former owners
  7. 10. It is colder than negative ____ in To Build a Fire
  8. 13. Booker T. Washington says slave owners were nearly as hurt as much as slaves were by slavery simply by the fact that they didn’t learn or teach their children any useful _____
  9. 14. First sentence of your body paragraph that restates reason in your thesis statement
  10. 15. Latin root that means "self"
  11. 16. One sentence answer to the PROMPT
  12. 18. Latin ROOTS that mean “word”
  13. 19. Second section of body paragraph that explains why the first sentence is true
  14. 20. This douses out the man's fire in To Build a Fire
  15. 21. Booker T. Washington was born into ______