October TOK
- 3. 1ACC love it here.
- 5. Pals with Punch.
- 6. Mythological Greek monster.
- 8. The walking dead.
- 9. Where the TACRO goes on 'holiday'.
- 10. South Atlantic CRC.
- 12. Cloud Puncher.
- 14. Kris Cochrane loves it.
- 17. Northern QRA Ops.
- 19. NATO CAOC.
- 20. Also known as "TR08".
- 1. "I used to be a one man wolf pack."
- 2. Data Link gurus
- 4. Europe's only EW Tactics range.
- 7. Wilson Fisk's alter ego.
- 11. After you've chopped a tree.
- 13. Restricted Operating Zone.
- 15. Mischievous Norse God.
- 16. Southern Turkish city.
- 18. Who the MC would contact in the event of an R3 evacuation.