Oedipus the King Background and Part I

  1. 2. Thebes must find who murdered this person
  2. 5. founder of Thebes
  3. 6. Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt
  4. 9. plead to the gods because of their agony and despair
  5. 11. Oedipus' brother-in-law and uncle
  6. 13. offered to the gods by those asking favors from them
  7. 14. Oedipus' father's name
  8. 16. blind prophet
  9. 20. the three plays written by Sophocles
  10. 21. how King and Queen of Thebes found out about their baby
  11. 23. playwright of Oedipus the King
  12. 25. number of years after Oedipus defeats Sphinx and becomes king
  13. 27. lion body, bird wings, woman head
  14. 28. what Oedipus calls his people
  15. 29. Greek god of ecstasy
  1. 1. the people of Thebes are trying to get help for this affecting their city
  2. 3. humble prayer or request
  3. 4. answer to the riddle that Oedipus answers
  4. 7. guards Thebes and asks riddles
  5. 8. Greek god of the sky
  6. 10. type of irony used that the reader knows Oedipus is the killer but the characters don't
  7. 12. color worn by the rich
  8. 15. Oedipus kills this man on his travels
  9. 17. Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts
  10. 18. what the Chorus needs to believe Teiresias' words
  11. 19. Oedipus' mother's name
  12. 22. where the couple who adopted Oedipus were from
  13. 24. Oedipus sent Creon here to get help for the plague
  14. 26. Greek goddesses of vengeance