Of Mice & Men - the American Dream

  1. 2. Candy lost this in search of his American Dream (p. 20)
  2. 4. a setting that symbolises the American Dream (p. 3)
  3. 6. George's opinion of Curly's wife (p. 33)
  4. 7. Crooks is excluded from the bunkhouse so sleeps here (p. 66)
  5. 8. a part of George and Lennie's dream (p. 16)
  6. 10. something Curly's wife dreams of (p. 87)
  7. 11. Lennie dreams of owning these (p. 16)
  8. 12. Candy wishes they'd do this to him (p. 60)
  1. 1. Crooks thinks this is what happens to lonely men (p. 72)
  2. 3. Curly's wife has these on her shoes (p. 32)
  3. 5. George dreams of staying in one (p. 12)
  4. 9. a place Curly's wife dreams of(p. 87)