  1. 2. "I haven't seen you stydying boy, watch out!I don't want you to _______ in your examinations just because your didn't prepare"
  2. 6. My baby's only 6, she's in ___ school, just starting this experience
  3. 7. Your sister is staring _____ this year right? Did she receive a diploma in 5th grade?
  4. 9. ______ is the base for humans growth, you can't change the world knowing nothing about it.
  5. 10. Let's go to the cafeteria, the teacher isn't coming, he can't ___ today's class.
  6. 12. The teacher warned us about the test, she said if we don't _____ in the oral part, we will fail it.
  1. 1. I'm afraid I won't get good _____ in the test, it was very hard.
  2. 3. My boyfriend finally finished his master studies, he's getting his degree next week.
  3. 4. "Kids, you must finish this project before you _____ for the holidays, we can't postpone it anymore"
  4. 5. We are _____ today, but soon, we will be getting money in our jobs.
  5. 8. The IB program of the school, will be applied in the last two _____ of secondary.
  6. 11. I'm registering to access a ______, my parents can't afford an apartment for me.