  1. 4. waste products that naturally decomposes.
  2. 7. A feature that makes the computer trustworthy
  3. 9. Ability to multi-task
  4. 11. A device used for communication
  5. 12. A fast device used to enter data
  1. 1. Device that helps secure confidential documents.
  2. 2. Device used in presentations of information
  3. 3. Encases important documents in a plastic cover.
  4. 5. A feature of the computer
  5. 6. Equipment that can produce 100 copies at one time.
  6. 7. Reuse envelopes for other purposes.
  7. 8. Machine used to hold papers together neatly
  8. 10. The use of equipment and machines in the office
  9. 13. An output device that makes hard copies of data