
  1. 1. you need to see things
  2. 2. you see on it how much you get paid
  3. 4. you can see through it
  4. 6. you make holes in paper with that
  5. 8. you need it to see things that go on your computer
  6. 9. important paperwor
  7. 11. you put stuff on it
  8. 12. you need tro use the computer(usually)
  9. 14. you write it to communicate with others (new way)
  10. 16. you sit on it
  1. 1. you write it to communicate with others(old way)
  2. 3. people you work with
  3. 4. you do in an office
  4. 5. you count with them
  5. 7. hear with that(listen to things)
  6. 10. you need that high tech
  7. 13. you write on it
  8. 15. it's usually between 12 and 1 PM