Our Flag Means Down (or Across)

  1. 2. Should you be it or avoid it?
  2. 4. Jim is not but the new logo is
  3. 9. Izzy's too-willing-to-be-healthy sacrifice
  4. 15. Stede declares he is
  5. 17. Black (or Brown?)
  6. 18. Goes by Jim now
  7. 20. Ironically-named
  8. 22. Could be a synonym for "superstitious"
  9. 23. Petrified orange, or characters in "E" fics
  10. 24. Must be plumbed
  11. 26. The first time we all lost our minds
  12. 27. A seemingly magical conveyance
  13. 29. Released
  14. 30. Battle or depression
  15. 33. "...Carry myself like __"
  16. 34. Talk it through
  17. 35. One of these things is not like the other nine
  18. 37. Stede's brand
  19. 39. Car hood to some
  20. 40. The second time we all lost our minds
  1. 1. Party boat aristocrats
  2. 3. Not a fun game
  3. 5. "You don't deserve..."
  4. 6. Worn well
  5. 7. The only eyepatch-wearer
  6. 8. Most people know they're fake
  7. 10. Better than a pillow or a gun
  8. 11. Sanctuary for a Scandinavian
  9. 12. It's out back
  10. 13. Instruct
  11. 14. Try to get stabbed here
  12. 16. Never break
  13. 19. Not a good dancer
  14. 21. When Fane forgot his line
  15. 25. Don't drink the juice
  16. 28. Age of piracy
  17. 31. Someone buy it, it's fabulous
  18. 32. Roach's skill-versatility perspective
  19. 36. Scripts, who needs 'em?
  20. 38. The short-form isn't Olu, it's___