OLC Chapters 23 & 24

  1. 3. receiving our Lord unworthily is the sin of...
  2. 6. the sacrament of spiritual food
  3. 8. lifting our minds and hearts to God
  4. 9. the perfect prayer
  5. 10. quoted on page 147
  6. 12. keep on praying
  7. 15. prayer that praises God for His goodness
  8. 16. accepting how God will answer our prayers
  9. 19. interior prayer, not out loud
  10. 20. Blood of Christ, _____ me
  11. 21. a blessing with the Blessed Sacrament
  1. 1. prayer that asks for God's forgiveness
  2. 2. a sign made by Christ to give us grace
  3. 4. Our Lord's final night of prayer was here
  4. 5. how Jesus taught us to pray
  5. 7. the sacrament where sins are forgiven
  6. 11. the most common prayers
  7. 13. how the Body of Christ is displayed
  8. 14. prayer in your own words
  9. 17. prayer that thanks God for His gifts
  10. 18. pray like the tax collector, with...