Old Awake Crossword #5

  1. 2. John 1:29 See, the _____ ___ _____ who takes away the sin of the world
  2. 3. 1 Kings 2:11 David’s reign was 40 years. In Hebron he reigned for _______ years, in Jerusalem, 33 years
  3. 4. Gen 10:2 Fifth son of Japheth
  4. 7. 1 Chron 12:8, 9 The head of the valiant Gadites who “separated themselves to David’s side”
  5. 11. Mark 14:38 Jesus said that the spirit is this, “but the flesh is weak”
  6. 12. John 4:6 Name of well where Jesus rested and conversed with the Samaritan woman
  7. 13. 2 Sam 6:6,7 Name of the threshing floor where Uzzah died for grabbing the ark of the covenant
  8. 16. Dan 4:34 King Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that Jehovah’s _________ is everlasting
  9. 17. Luke 14:11 everyone who exalts himself will be _________
  10. 18. 1 Chron 3:24 seventh son of Elioenai, a descendant of King David
  11. 20. Gen 36:28 These are the sons of Diʹshan: Uz and _____
  12. 22. Num 32:17 children will dwell in the __________ cities, safe from the inhabitants of the land
  1. 1. 1 Peter 2:11 Peter said to keep abstaining from ________ _______ which wage war against you”
  2. 5. 2 Tim 2:16 We should _______ “empty speeches that violate what is holy”
  3. 6. Mark 11:16 Jesus would not let anyone who carried a _________ through the temple
  4. 8. Acts 17:1 Paul traveled through Amphipolis and _________ and came to Thessalonica
  5. 9. Mark 1:2 Just as it is written in Isaiah the prophet: I am sending my ____________ ahead of you
  6. 10. Rom 1:3 Concerning his Son who came to be from the offspring of _______
  7. 14. Rev 16:12 Euphrates and waters dried up to prepare way for kings from the rising of the _____
  8. 15. 1 Chron 8:12 the sons of _____ were Eber, Misham, Shemed (built Ono, Lod and its dependent towns
  9. 19. 2 Sam 1:9 Before he died Saul described the pain he was in as great _______
  10. 21. 2 Kings 18:23 Sennacherib challenged Hezekiah to accept 2,000 horses and find enough ______ for them