Old Testament Books - First Verses

  1. 2. / Blessed Is The Man
  2. 5. / In The Third Year In The Reign of Jehoiakim
  3. 10. / Now It Came To Pass In The Thirtieth Year
  4. 12. / Now After The Death Of Joshua
  5. 14. / Now The Word Of The Lord Came Unto Jonah
  6. 15. / How Doth The City Sit
  7. 16. / Now It Came To Pass In The Days Of Ahasuerus
  8. 18. /There Was A Man In The Land Of Uz
  9. 22. / The Words Of The Preacher
  10. 23. / The Vision Of Isaiah
  11. 24. / Adam, Sheth, Enosh
  12. 25. / The Word Of The Lord That Came Unto Micah
  13. 26. / The Word Of The Lord Which Came Unto Zephaniah
  14. 31. / These Be The Words Which Moses Spake
  15. 32. / The Words Of Amos
  16. 33. / Now There Was A Certain Man Of Ramathaim-zophim
  17. 34. / Now King david Was Old And Stricken in Years
  18. 36. / The Vision Of Obadiah
  1. 1. / The Burden Of The Word Of The Lord To Israel My Malachi
  2. 3. / In The Eighth Month, In The Second Year
  3. 4. / The Word Of The Lord That Came Unto Joel
  4. 6. / Now After The Death Of Moses
  5. 7. / In The Beginning
  6. 8. / Now It Came To Pass In The days When The Judges Rules
  7. 9. / And The Lord Spake Unto Moses
  8. 11. / Now These Are The Names OF The Children Of Israel
  9. 13. / The Song Of Songs
  10. 17. / In The Second Year OF Darius
  11. 19. / And The Lord Called Unto Moses
  12. 20. / Now In The First Year Of Cyrus
  13. 21. / The Proverbs Of Solomon
  14. 27. / The Burden Which Habakkuk
  15. 28. / The Words Of Nehemiah
  16. 29. / The Words Of Jeremiah
  17. 30. / The Word Of The Lord That Came Unto Hosea
  18. 35. / The Burden Of Nineveh