Olmec, Maya, Aztec

  1. 2. farming
  2. 3. a religious ceremony
  3. 5. Lake where the Aztecs built Tenochtitlan
  4. 6. used by the Mayans for drinking water and burials
  5. 7. Inventors of chocolate, rubber, and maize farming
  6. 8. belief in more than one god
  7. 11. an older culture that influences a new one
  8. 14. A peninsula where the Mayans lived
  9. 15. a story that tells how something started
  10. 17. a sport where the losers were killed
  11. 18. Build a brilliantly engineered city and were brutal
  12. 19. a pipe that carries fresh water
  1. 1. Place where the Aztecs lived
  2. 4. capital city of the Aztecs
  3. 9. giving something up to make a god happy
  4. 10. corn
  5. 11. Created calendars, math, and built pyramids
  6. 12. island farms built by the Aztecs
  7. 13. a large bridge
  8. 16. things you get from nature to build and live