Olympic History

  1. 3. The first modern Olympics were held in ___.
  2. 6. The Olympian games were held in honor of
  3. 8. _____ ceremonies were part of the ancient Olympics.
  4. 10. At the first modern Olympics, _____ nations took part.
  5. 13. Baron deCoubertin started a ____ to gain support for the ideas.
  6. 14. The ancient Olympics were held every ___ years.
  7. 16. One event in the original pentathlon was the___.
  8. 17. In ancient times, all of the Olympic competitors were ____.
  9. 19. The ancient Olympics began with ____ the gods.
  1. 1. A champion of the Olympian Games received a _____ as a reward.
  2. 2. The ancient Olympian Games were actually a Greek____ in honor of the gods.
  3. 4. One event in the original pentathlon was the ____.
  4. 5. The first Olympics only featured one event, the ____.
  5. 7. The ____Olympics started in 1896.
  6. 8. In ancient times, ____ spread the word about an upcoming Olympic competition.
  7. 9. The ancient Olympics were held in an outdoor ___.
  8. 11. Today the Olympics bring together athletes from many ____.
  9. 12. The man responsible for the revival of the Olympics is Baron ____.
  10. 15. The ____ Olympics started in 1924.
  11. 18. Both the ancient and the modern Olympics are symbols of ___.