
  1. 1. person who talks about events on tv or radio
  2. 3. song played as teams enter
  3. 5. a problem
  4. 7. games played before finals
  5. 9. person or company that pays for the event or player
  6. 11. place the games are played
  7. 13. not allowed
  8. 15. all people
  9. 16. a player in the game
  10. 18. to win
  11. 19. to delay til later
  12. 22. person to control the rules
  13. 25. person who plays in the event
  1. 2. not a professional/makes no money
  2. 4. place where events are held
  3. 5. to play against another player or team
  4. 6. award given to the winner
  5. 7. to be unfair
  6. 8. person who plays for team or country
  7. 10. person who watches the game
  8. 12. meet the goal to play
  9. 14. a belief shared
  10. 17. important country's song
  11. 20. very good
  12. 21. where you come from
  13. 23. taking illegal drugs in sports
  14. 24. a promise or swear