
  1. 2. what was the year of the first Olympic Games ?
  2. 3. which emporor banned the Olympics?
  3. 7. the Olympics became the basis of what in four-year increments ?
  4. 8. which God were they honoring ?
  5. 12. what ancient place name underlies the world Olympics?
  6. 13. what does fortius mean ?
  1. 1. Why did he ban the Olympics ?
  2. 4. what does altius mean ?
  3. 5. What was the profession of the first winner of the Ancient Olympics?
  4. 6. what does citius mean ?
  5. 9. What was the first event in the ancient Olympics?
  6. 10. in which city did the first modern olympics take place?
  7. 11. how was the olympic victor competing in 720BC?