
  1. 3. You can only use your foot
  2. 4. Outside sport with a long stick and small ball
  3. 6. Water Sport
  4. 7. You use a sword
  5. 9. Kinda like cricket
  6. 11. you use hoops
  7. 12. In the ocean
  8. 15. Target and aim
  9. 16. Has goals like soccer
  10. 17. You play inside with a racket
  1. 1. Team sport with each person having two paddles
  2. 2. Inside sport and you use your hands a lot
  3. 5. Outside with a long bat
  4. 6. You are a team on water
  5. 8. You are inside and you need to wear puffy gloves
  6. 10. Your inside with a racket that is a sport like tennis
  7. 12. four wheels
  8. 13. You need to be fast and it’s on a field
  9. 14. You need to be flexible