One of Us is Lying

  1. 4. illegal activities
  2. 8. a event
  3. 10. place where teens go
  4. 12. teen gossip causes...
  5. 14. not on purpose
  6. 15. people who help you
  7. 16. talk being your back
  8. 17. when you don't tell the truth
  9. 18. not your friend
  10. 19. what you are when you go to school
  1. 1. your actions cause...
  2. 2. having faith
  3. 3. when you get in trouble
  4. 5. not alive
  5. 6. people you live with
  6. 7. killing somebody
  7. 8. when you keep it to yourself
  8. 9. someone you care about
  9. 11. when they think you did it
  10. 13. not dead but...