One Piece

  1. 4. The first island the Straw Hats visit in the Grand Line
  2. 6. The sea where "One Piece" is set
  3. 8. The archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates
  4. 10. Monkey D. Luffy's signature attack
  5. 11. The shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates
  6. 13. The swordsman who wields three swords
  1. 1. The name of the pirate who is known as "Straw Hat" Luffy
  2. 2. The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates
  3. 3. The type of fruit that grants various supernatural powers
  4. 5. The cook of the Straw Hat Pirates
  5. 7. The princess of Alabasta
  6. 9. The skeleton musician of the Straw Hat Pirates
  7. 11. The island where Luffy begins his journey
  8. 12. The navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates