One Piece

  1. 4. Who is Shanks' right-hand man?
  2. 6. Who does Zoro aspire to beat?
  3. 7. Who is Whitebeard's right-hand man?
  4. 8. Who married over 40 people?
  5. 9. Who is Luffy's grandfather?
  6. 11. Who ate the Uo Uo no Mi Model: Seiryuu
  7. 14. What villain out powered Luffy until his Gear 2 awakening?
  8. 15. The only Strawhat who is a fishman.
  9. 18. Who held Enma before Zoro?
  10. 20. Who is the strongest person in the world?
  11. 21. Whose home was destroyed by a buster call?
  12. 24. Which Strawhat is basically a cyborg?
  13. 25. What villain with a strong devil fruit had no effect against Luffy?
  14. 26. Who is the king of the pirates?
  1. 1. Who is the sniper on Shanks' crew?
  2. 2. Who taught Luffy the three forms of haki?
  3. 3. Who worked as the navigator for Arlong?
  4. 4. Who simps for Luffy?
  5. 5. What villain was beaten by Luffy's Gear 4 Snakeman?
  6. 10. What do Kaido and Big Mom call Luffy(Japanese)?
  7. 12. Who was Luffy's first crew member?
  8. 13. Who stole Whitebeard's devil fruit powers?
  9. 16. Who is the best cook ever and is rumored to have Lunarian powers?
  10. 17. Who is the Magma Admiral?
  11. 19. What animal is Brook friends with from his time as a living person?
  12. 22. Who aspires to be the greatest doctor ever?
  13. 23. Who held Shusui before Zoro?
  14. 27. Who ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi?