
  1. 5. Where will we be working in the future
  2. 8. Mom’s name for you
  3. 9. Who is your favorite brother
  4. 10. Prissy dog
  5. 12. Cow dog
  6. 13. Our first, award-winning screenplay
  7. 15. You and Colleen’s word for fart
  8. 16. Favorite pasta topping
  9. 19. Best word to wake up to
  1. 1. Best town ever
  2. 2. Slime dog
  3. 3. Has a mouth made of leather
  4. 4. “In the criminal justice system”
  5. 6. Mom does not know how to say this
  6. 7. When you were mad in the pool you said
  7. 11. With a Z
  8. 12. What do you do when you’re swol
  9. 14. Xenon says
  10. 17. and at em Worst words to wake up to
  11. 18. If the ____ be dry or not