
  1. 1. A performance by 2 people
  2. 3. A large organized group of singers
  3. 5. A voice, instrument, or part below the highest range and above tenor, in particular
  4. 8. a voice or voice part intermediate in compass between soprano and contralto.
  5. 9. the scheme of something
  6. 10. A action or protruding part
  7. 11. A text written for and set to music in an opera
  8. 13. A passage meant to be played softly
  9. 16. Musical declamation of the kind usual in the narrative and dialogue parts of opera and oratorio, sung in the rhythm of ordinary speech with many words on the same note
  10. 17. A piece played by the orchestra at the beginning of a musical performance
  11. 19. smooth no breaks in tone or song
  12. 22. Singing voice of a male adult which is between tenor and bass
  13. 23. different word for female performer
  14. 24. A long, accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio
  1. 1. Different volume levels involved in a musical performance
  2. 2. The highest of the four main singing voices
  3. 4. a written form of a musical composition
  4. 6. A theme or motif in music
  5. 7. Elaborate ornamentation of a vocal melody, in operatic singing by a soprano
  6. 12. A group of instrumentalists, one combining string, woodwind, brass, and percussion sections and playing classical music
  7. 13. Introduction to an opera
  8. 14. Loud or loudly
  9. 15. Each note in a music piece played sharply and separated from other notes
  10. 18. The use of everyday life and actions in artistic works
  11. 20. the adult males voice
  12. 21. a dramatic work in one or more acts set to music for singers and instrumentalists
  13. 22. Used to praise a preformer
  14. 23. The lowest of the four main singing voices. Found in adult males