
  1. 1. Abbreviation for the pituitary hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex gland.
  2. 3. Root word for enlarged extremity or high place.
  3. 4. Suffix for disease.
  4. 5. Poly_____ means excessive hunter (seen in diabetes)
  5. 7. Root word for iodine.
  6. 8. Parathyroid hormone controls _______ levels in the blood.
  7. 12. "in - secrete"; glands that secrete hormones into the blood stream.
  8. 14. Poly_____ means excessive thirst (seen in diabetes).
  9. 17. Root word for fat (as seen in blocked arteries).
  10. 18. Hypo______ gland controls homeostasis of hormone levels.
  11. 20. The adrenal ______ secretes steroid hormones.
  12. 21. Hormone that controls blood sugar levels in the blood.
  13. 22. Suffix meaning resemble.
  1. 2. Root word for stimulate.
  2. 4. Organ that makes insulin.
  3. 6. ROOT word for glucose (sugar).
  4. 9. Suffix meaning secrete.
  5. 10. Place for the hormone to attach.
  6. 11. Master gland, controls several other glands.
  7. 13. Suffix meaning cell.
  8. 15. Suffix meaning reduced.
  9. 16. Abbreviation for the pituitary hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland.
  10. 18. Gland used to control metabolism of all cells.
  11. 19. Root word for gland.
  12. 20. Root word for calcium.