OPLAN Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Annex J
  2. 4. Annexes are further expanded by a long list of this that contain an even more detailed statement of the CINC’s concept for specific elements of the plan.
  3. 6. Annexes will be this part of the OPLAN
  4. 8. The area you will be most concerned with is Annexes D, E, and J, which is where this requirements is located in the OPLAN
  5. 9. this describes the concept and explore the theater-wide support required in the subordinate commander’s supporting plan.
  6. 10. This identifies, at a minimum, major capabilities required and task organization, major operational tasks to be accomplished by components, a concept of employment, and an assessment of risk for each course of action (COA).
  1. 1. Annex D
  2. 3. A type of OPLAN is a complete and detailed joint plan containing a full description of the Concept of Operations (CONOPS), all annexes applicable to the plan, and a TPFDD.
  3. 5. Annex E
  4. 7. This describes the situation, mission, plan of execution, and administration and logistics concepts and identifies the CINC’s plan for command and control.
  5. 8. Annexes are designated A through Z and allocated by this