Opposites 1

  1. 1. Ice cream is...
  2. 3. When you eat a lot, you get ...
  3. 4. Circular
  4. 5. Has 4 sides
  5. 7. A giraffe's neck is...
  6. 8. Little, miniature
  7. 10. Co likes showering with ___ water
  8. 11. My pillow is...
  9. 14. A rock is...
  10. 16. It is raining and the grass is...
  11. 17. When we finish lunch, the dishes are...
  1. 1. Clothes when you wash them
  2. 2. I took a shower late at night,I need to___ my hair before going to bed
  3. 5. I cut my hair for a new look, now I have___ hair
  4. 6. When I finish drinking my juice, the bottle is...
  5. 9. like a feather
  6. 10. When my bag is too____ my back hurts
  7. 12. This watch has been here for 50 years, it's an___ watch
  8. 13. It's Christmas and I just got a___ doll!
  9. 15. Gigantic, enormus,