Oregon Trail and the Native Americans

  1. 3. The __________ government can overrule tribal laws and decisions.
  2. 4. Pioneers moved West using the ___________ Trail.
  3. 5. Native children were ______ for speaking their native language at Boarding Schools.
  4. 7. A vocabulary word for agreements between two or more people
  5. 11. Did the U.S. government keep all of their promises to the Natives Americans made in the treaties?
  6. 12. The Native American Tribes lived on ____ after the treaties of 1855.
  7. 16. The act of accepting a new culture
  8. 17. The group that lived West of the Cascade Mountains.
  1. 1. The group that lived East of the Cascade Mountains.
  2. 2. A vocabulary word for giving up (for example: land)
  3. 6. Washington Territory's first governor
  4. 8. A vocabulary word for fatherly
  5. 9. Native Americans were sent to ________ schools in an attempt to assimilate them.
  6. 10. Did some treaties require some Native Tribes to share a reservation with their enemies?
  7. 13. Native American's lives in Washington were _______ forever after the Oregon Trail.
  8. 14. Our local Native Tribe.
  9. 15. Number of treaty meeetings Stevens held
  10. 17. The group that made decisions in the tribes