Organ Systems

  1. 4. Stores urine,Found in lower abdomine
  2. 6. System Pumps blood to the heart, Helps get oxygen
  3. 7. Keeps germs from out blood,Controls amount of blood cells
  4. 9. System Digest and breaks down food, Absorbs energy for growth
  5. 11. System Gets signals from brain to body, Made up of brain and spinal cord
  6. 14. Stores food,breaks down food
  7. 17. System Makes the body move, Smooth, Cardiac, and skeletal muscles
  8. 18. System Produce eggs and sperm cells, Collection of internal and external organs
  9. 19. Helps fight germs, regulates the bodies water
  10. 21. Behind the ribcage, allows us to breathe
  11. 22. Regulates chemical levels,makes biles
  1. 1. system Maintains body fluids, Excess fluids and deposits them from bloodstream
  2. 2. remove waste from body,gets rid of toxic cells
  3. 3. System Gives you fresh air, Helps produce sound
  4. 5. Support the body, protect some organs
  5. 8. System Removes waste, Maintains proper amount of water
  6. 10. System Makes hormones, Controls the bodies metabolism
  7. 12. Makes enzymes, makes hormones
  8. 13. Holds memory, controls everything
  9. 15. System Holds the body together, Produces blood cells
  10. 16. Pumps blood to body,Located on left of chest
  11. 20. System Bodys Outer layer, first line of defense