Organ Systems Ashley Golden

  1. 2. an organ used in the respiratory system
  2. 6. The system that secretes regulatory hormones
  3. 7. the system that transports materials in body through blood pumped by the heart
  4. 8. the system used to eliminate nitrogenous wastes
  5. 12. eliminates indigestible material
  6. 13. part of the integumentary system
  7. 15. one of the functions of the lymphatic system
  1. 1. Apart of the skeletal system
  2. 3. apart of the lymphatic system
  3. 4. an organ apart of the nervous system
  4. 5. the system used for the production of offspring
  5. 9. System system that stores minerals
  6. 10. organ system that produces heat
  7. 11. organ system that is fast-acting
  8. 14. has acids that break down food (apart of the digestive system)