Organ Systems Melissa Hauman

  1. 1. this system breaks down food
  2. 3. the respiratory system removes this
  3. 10. Muscular system allows this
  4. 12. this system needs the lungs
  5. 13. part of the lymphatic system
  6. 14. the speed of nervous system
  7. 15. transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients
  1. 2. is responsible for growth and reproduction
  2. 4. the urinary system eliminates this
  3. 5. stores minerals
  4. 6. involved in immunity
  5. 7. Synthesizes vitamin D
  6. 8. this system is responsible for the production of offspring
  7. 9. secretes this in the endocrine system
  8. 11. respiratory system supplies the body with this