Organ Systems Tyler Hapenny

  1. 2. a big part of the urinary system
  2. 4. maintains posture
  3. 6. transports materials in body via blood pumped by the heart
  4. 9. hair,skin,and nails
  5. 10. endocrine system regulates this
  6. 14. production of offspring
  7. 15. the organ system that protects and supports body organs
  1. 1. allows for nutrient absorption into blood
  2. 3. removes carbon dioxide
  3. 5. what you breathe out
  4. 7. organ that pumps blood in the cardiovascular system
  5. 8. fast acting control system
  6. 11. secretes regulatory hormones
  7. 12. involved in immunity
  8. 13. eliminates nitrogenous waste