Organ Systems

  1. 4. Responds to changes in the body
  2. 5. Apart of the Lymphatic system
  3. 7. Protects body organs
  4. 11. Supplies blood with oxygen
  5. 14. Forms the external body covering
  6. 16. Helps bring the oxygen into the body
  7. 17. Integumentary system is made of this
  8. 19. Transports materials in the body
  9. 20. Regulates hormones
  10. 21. Female part of the endocrine system
  11. 22. Apart of the skeletal system
  1. 1. Pumps the blood
  2. 2. Controlled by the nervous system
  3. 3. Produces heat
  4. 6. Muscular system allows these to move
  5. 8. Breaks down food
  6. 9. Helps filter the urine
  7. 10. Returns fluids to blood vessels
  8. 12. The female part that is needed for reproduction
  9. 13. Production of offspring
  10. 15. Place where the food is digested
  11. 18. Maintains acids