Organization of the Periodic Table

  1. 3. a negatively charged ion
  2. 4. when a valence electron does not feel the full attractive force of the nucleus due to core electrons
  3. 5. the element with the smallest atoms on the periodic table
  4. 8. ________________ metals can form more than one kind of cation
  5. 10. the last stable element
  6. 11. Main Group VII
  7. 14. a positively charged ion
  8. 16. the father of the periodic table
  9. 17. a nonmetal that is a liquid at room temperature and pressure
  1. 1. these 7 elements belong to this special group: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, bromine, iodine and fluorine
  2. 2. these elements have properties of both metals and non metals
  3. 6. most of the elements are this kind of element
  4. 7. the ______________ gases are Main Group VIII and do not react with other elements.
  5. 9. Main Group I
  6. 12. the periodic table is organized by increasing atomic ________________.
  7. 13. divides the metals from the nonmetals
  8. 15. a row on the periodic table