organs and stuff

  1. 5. this is volcanos
  2. 7. filter
  3. 9. incurable
  4. 10. im smart
  5. 11. this is where sweat comes from
  6. 13. smell
  7. 14. i filter blood
  8. 15. i do nothing
  9. 17. pumps blood
  10. 19. digestable
  11. 20. epadermis
  12. 21. i see you
  1. 1. whit things in mouth
  2. 2. long lusterous
  3. 3. i hold the lungs
  4. 4. pandemic
  5. 6. holds urine
  6. 8. store bile
  7. 11. where spit comes from
  8. 12. cancer breath cancer
  9. 16. suck out nutrients
  10. 18. im sucktioned on top of you mouth