Organs & Organ Systems

  1. 2. Stores gut bacteria
  2. 6. Filters your blood
  3. 7. Helps you breathe
  4. 8. system Cmovementd movemebt of air in and out of the body
  5. 9. Controls the level of white blood cells
  6. 12. Keeps you alive
  7. 13. Digests food
  8. 15. Breathing
  1. 1. that's Stores a thick liquid that's produced by the liver to help digest
  2. 3. Located in your head
  3. 4. Give you the ability to hold things
  4. 5. Glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood
  5. 10. Help you see
  6. 11. system Sends signals to the musculoskeletal system
  7. 14. Help lift things