
  1. 5. the first word of a tool used to examine the eye
  2. 6. one of your senses
  3. 8. eye disease characterised by increased eye pressure
  4. 11. opposite wide
  5. 12. we need to be exposed to for our good health
  6. 13. bony part of the body
  7. 16. a disease that happens either at young age or after 40
  8. 18. legal engagement to work
  9. 20. skin folds, protect the eye from dust
  1. 1. can be found on head or on eyes
  2. 2. the patient lost blood from his body
  3. 3. a medical specialist
  4. 4. essentail to keep good health
  5. 5. malalignment of eyes
  6. 7. your job or work
  7. 9. route for administring medicines especially in children
  8. 10. found in the back of the retina
  9. 14. a container to put medicine in
  10. 15. opposite right
  11. 17. skin or eye feeling of pain
  12. 19. a kind of fish rich in good fat