Ostern in Deutschland

  1. 2. to decorate
  2. 3. if you go egg-hunting, you could put them in this
  3. 6. to do arts and crafts
  4. 7. German for "Easter bunny"
  5. 8. German for "tradition"
  6. 10. factory
  7. 13. a big bonfire or flaming wheel
  1. 1. the time of year full of flowers, after winter
  2. 4. German for "Easter eggs"
  3. 5. the holiday in spring involving many traditions
  4. 7. a tree decorated with thousands of colorful eggs
  5. 9. when people search for hidden eggs
  6. 10. to celebrate
  7. 11. a house of worship where people may go for Easter celebrations
  8. 12. colorful