OT Cybersecurity Awareness

  1. 1. Certified Industrial Cybersecurity Professional
  2. 3. Infamous malware that was used to attack a Uranium enrichment facility
  3. 5. Malware that encrypts data and demands payment to unlock it
  4. 9. This gasoline pipeline company in US was the victim of a cyberattack in the year 2021
  1. 1. Acronym for a management system that is used to manage Cybersecurity in an organization
  2. 2. For better cybersecurity, OT networks are partitioned into
  3. 4. A malicious email sent to only the top management personnel of an organization
  4. 6. A set of standards and technical reports for OT cybersecurity
  5. 7. This brand of Safety PLC (Logic Solver) was attacked in the TRITON incident
  6. 8. Device that allows communication only in one direction via hardware