Our Lives

  1. 2. Living room language
  2. 5. Raided
  3. 7. Least completed chore
  4. 11. Home
  5. 15. How Will percives Kate
  6. 17. Think in terms of Gaby: Jeremy minus Columbia
  7. 19. Whisk Delicacy
  8. 20. Mecca
  9. 23. Kate's drink of choice
  10. 24. Best city in LA
  11. 26. Birthday treat from Gaby
  12. 27. Late night adventure
  13. 28. Mac Miller's Hometown, abv.
  14. 30. Jesus Christ (alex)
  15. 31. Spain travel destination
  16. 32. I'm just eatin' my...
  17. 33. Those good apples
  1. 1. RIP
  2. 3. basically honorary members of...
  3. 4. Alex's Home province
  4. 6. Royal UberEats order
  5. 7. GAAP Branch
  6. 8. The End Goal
  7. 9. not Gaby's forte (transport)
  8. 10. Noa's home province
  9. 12. Best Korean word
  10. 13. LofHD Professor
  11. 14. Smoke spot
  12. 16. Kelsey's favorite place
  13. 18. Sydney's hype artist
  14. 21. Kelsey's almost research subjects
  15. 22. Logan's daily meal
  16. 25. Second reservoir
  17. 29. Dinner at...?
  18. 34. Third reservoir