Our Love
- 1. When we put our cheeks together, what is this called?
- 4. Dog with an underbite
- 7. Bell, My favorite restaurant ;)
- 10. Your favorite color
- 14. Where we are going to start a family
- 15. Something with holes for your feet
- 18. the amount of siblings we both have
- 19. February 1st
- 20. Zero, You're favorite fizzy drink
- 21. Together, Our Song
- 2. My fish's name
- 3. Anniversary, December 17th
- 5. out, Best partner to do this with
- 6. Our first dog together
- 8. Season we'll be married
- 9. Games, Something you love but I don't
- 11. Something we share together on our bodies
- 12. Wallen, Country Star we/I love
- 13. I love you more, ____ (number)
- 15. One of our favorite baby names
- 16. the amount of kids we want
- 17. Was your Grandmoms, now is mine