Our Solar System

  1. 3. the blue planet
  2. 8. German astronomer that determined planets orbit in a ellipse, rather than a circle
  3. 9. oval shape that is centered on two points
  4. 12. _____________ 10 was the probe that collected most data of Mercury
  5. 14. one of mars's moons
  6. 16. (2wds) the apparent backward motion of a planet
  7. 18. (2wds) the largest volcano on Mars
  8. 19. belt in the region around Pluto where large object orbit
  9. 20. Jupiter has more _________ than any other planet in the solar system
  10. 23. force than pulls spinning objects inward
  11. 24. Kepler's _______ Law states that planets orbit faster near the sun
  12. 25. the earliest stage of a planet's development
  13. 28. (2wds) another name for the outer planets
  14. 30. the largest moon of Neptune
  15. 31. largest planet in the solar system
  16. 32. strong force that keeps the planets orbiting the sun
  17. 33. on Jupiter the high, light-colored clouds that rise
  1. 1. type of planet classification of Pluto and Ceres
  2. 2. the brightest planet in the sky
  3. 4. the cliffs on Mercury
  4. 5. another name for the inner planets--those closest to the sun
  5. 6. Venus' atmosphere has a _____________ effect similar to Earth
  6. 7. another name for sun-centered
  7. 10. the red planet
  8. 11. Polish scientist who suggested the sun was the center of the universe
  9. 13. (2wds) average distance from the Earth to the sun
  10. 15. on Jupiter the low, warm, dark-colored clouds that sink
  11. 17. Saturn's most striking feature
  12. 21. Jupiter has an unusual layer of liquid metallic ______________
  13. 22. these caps cover the polar regions of MArs
  14. 26. the planet closest to the sun
  15. 27. the clouds on Venus are made of _______________ acid
  16. 28. Italian scientist that used a telescope to observe the sky
  17. 29. Saturn's moon that is larger than the planet Mercury