Our Valentines

  1. 1. you give the best _____
  2. 7. box of them for Christmas
  3. 8. are you on your way to ____?
  4. 9. first nickname
  5. 11. you tell the best one's
  6. 14. we met at ____camp
  7. 17. you'll teach me how to do this, one day
  8. 19. first date restaurant
  9. 20. finally got to feed one, or two
  10. 21. red velvet cupcake
  11. 22. movie we didn't watch
  12. 25. favorite kind of night
  13. 26. date you asked me out: June _____
  14. 28. we need to do one!
  15. 30. Carter's favorite trip
  16. 32. Christmas movie
  17. 33. song by Khalid: can we just___
  1. 2. I love to see you do this
  2. 3. nickname after a dance: A ____
  3. 4. always remember the first one
  4. 5. I love holding these
  5. 6. first stop in Bham: park
  6. 10. got me saying this during football season
  7. 12. give me this many reasons
  8. 13. I could beat you in one
  9. 15. your favorite candy: nickname
  10. 16. racing the girls: paddling
  11. 18. new favorite game
  12. 23. LuLu _____
  13. 24. it gives me the Blues
  14. 27. got lost chasing a _____
  15. 29. you laughed when I fell ____
  16. 31. you have the biggest _____