
  1. 2. LOL, USA, BTW
  2. 4. same meaning
  3. 5. repeated
  4. 8. a fictitious name
  5. 9. risky
  6. 10. wanting/having a desire to succeed
  7. 13. random
  8. 15. having a sudden impulse
  9. 19. very attractive
  10. 21. a type of rock
  11. 22. reading/studying
  1. 1. real/reel, write/right
  2. 3. diligent and hard working
  3. 6. funny
  4. 7. good for the brain/body
  5. 11. tiresome or monotonous
  6. 12. holding the door for people, saying good morning when people say it to you
  7. 14. Disney Land, sideburns
  8. 16. very clear, evident
  9. 17. The author remained...
  10. 18. justifiable, moral law
  11. 20. beauty