Outreach Phlebotomy

  1. 2. the database used to add, view and print standing orders
  2. 3. medical equipment used by hospital staff to renew CPR certification, usually quarterly
  3. 6. program used to view and activate orders placed by physicians, see patient documents, print requisitions and much more
  4. 7. a webpage where you can view scanned copies of used requisitions, ABNs, and other documents that have been sent to Central Lab after testing (2 words hyphenated)
  5. 8. the application used to record daily and monthly tasks such as temps, nova qc, and cleaning (2 words hyphenated)
  6. 11. a vacutainer tube containing gel and lithium heparin
  7. 12. the color of the vacutainer used in the 1G50, OGTT, and GGTT tests
  8. 13. a hub with access to the test directory, task manager, media lab, and more
  9. 15. a test collected in special bottles that requires aseptic technique (2 words hyphenated
  10. 19. an application in Sunquest used to view and print patient results (2 words hyphenated)
  11. 23. the webpage that allows you to launch Sunquest
  12. 24. an anticoagulant used in multiple vacutainers, including lavender and pink tops (hyphenated)
  13. 25. a vacutainer tube type containing gel and a coagulant
  14. 26. the webpage used to find and print paper requisitions that have been faxed-in
  15. 27. a document used to inform patients with Medicare about tests that may not be covered
  1. 1. an application in Sunquest used to manually type in test codes for requisitions (2 words hyphenated)
  2. 4. a small, customizable application with access to conversation launcher, powerchart, medical necessity check, and much more
  3. 5. a page on Workday used to access required learning modules
  4. 9. an application used to record safety events, such as patient reactions and injuries
  5. 10. an application in Sunquest used to batch samples, move a CID to a new SPOT, and more
  6. 14. a webpage with a comprehensive list of resources and links in alphabetical order (hyphenated)
  7. 16. a webpage database used to look up providers and related info, such as their work addresses, phone numbers and provider ID
  8. 17. a place you can see your paystubs, my learning, and more
  9. 18. the application used to order tests manually, print labels for tests ordered in Powerchart, batch samples and more
  10. 20. a place you can find and review SOPs
  11. 21. the lab that works in conjunction with Central Lab for out of network insurances - also known as clearing house
  12. 22. the webpage used to clock-in and out, check and request PTO, fix missed punches and more