Ovarian Cancer

  1. 2. Platelets are commonly .... in ovarian cancer.
  2. 3. A risk factor in ovarian cancer. (*Hint...medical term for "never given birth"
  3. 8. Treatment that uses high energy levels to destroy cancer cells.
  4. 10. Medical term for hair loss.
  5. 11. A GU symptom often presenting in ovarian cancer. (*Hint urinary ...)
  6. 12. An Oophorectomy is removal of the ...
  7. 14. Type of pain/location of pain often reported in ovarian cancer.
  8. 16. Temperature that cancer patients need to immediately report.(In Fahrenheit, decimal get's own line).
  1. 1. Cancer treatment that destroys cancer cells by damaging the genes inside the nucleus.
  2. 4. Name for a surgery to remove the uterus.
  3. 5. Having/had ovarian cancer makes a patient more at risk for this type of cancer.
  4. 6. Medical term for fluid collecting in the abdomen.
  5. 7. A procedure to remove extra fluid in the abdomen.
  6. 9. Precautions implemented for those immunocompromised.
  7. 13. Ovarian cancer is dangerous because the disease often goes undetected until the disease is ...
  8. 15. Tumor marker that's commonly elevated in ovarian cancer. (Don't include the dash)